clients for freelancers

Freelancing: How To Pick Up Clients

Freelancing is great because it gives you the freedom to work with multiple clients and you have the freedom of working wherever you want. You are your own boss and you get to do what you are interested in doing. Of course, there are plenty of struggles. Your bills don’t stop accumulating no matter what. So, if you can’t find projects quickly, your debt will start to rise. You are also solely accountable for your work. If there is an issue, the client looks at you and only you to fix it. And you have to finish projects in a timely manner so you can get paid and work on your next project.

The biggest struggle is finding clients for freelancers. Especially if you are just starting out, finding clients to hire you is definitely tough. With so many people in whatever field you are interested in, it can be difficult to stand out. You could have a great website and portfolio. You’ve created unique projects, set up your social media sites, and updated your resume, but still won’t get any bites. But these tips can be the difference between your freelancing career tanking before it started and actually seeing success.

Go On Job Boards And Other Sites

Job boards are really important, especially for new freelancers. There are job boards for any area and the niche you are interested in. Whether you are in marketing, writing, web designing, and so on, you will find a job board specific to your area. Other than job boards, you can check out sites like LinkedIn and even Craigslist. I know Craigslist doesn’t seem like the first choice to find jobs, but you can find people looking for freelancers to help their business.


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Go To Networking Events

Networking is also very important. It’s the perfect way to get clients for freelancers or to just meet important people in whatever industry. You don’t need to pitch yourself the entire night; it can just be the opportunity for you to say, “Hello, I’m a writer (for example) and if you or someone you know is looking for a writer, please let them know about me. Here is my card.”. Facebook is a great tool to find networking events happening in and around your city that is industry-specific.

Use The Contacts You Already Have

Keeping a good relationship with former professors, clients, interviewees, and so on can really help your business. You never know who knows how you work and can be like “hey, I know the perfect person for this client”. Also, if they are former clients, then get testimonials from them so that you can add it to your website. You can also ask them to tell anyone else they know looking for freelancers about you and your work.


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Utilize Social Media Groups

Social media is a tool every freelancer needs to use. Besides using social media to find networking events, you can also network directly on social media. You have to do your homework and find out which social media groups you can join that correspond with the field you want to be in. You can find out the issues prospective clients are having and then you can formulate your pitch around those issues.

In The Meantime, A Title Loan Can Help Your Finances

Starting out as a freelancer can be difficult. It takes a lot of time and patience to find the right clients. Of course, your bills don’t stop coming in while you are trying to build your business. When you need some help paying your bills while you are trying to freelance, a title loan or a signature installment loan from Wisconsin Auto Title Loans could be the answer. The process for both is simple. Just start by filling out our online form and we will give you a call to tell you what else needs to be done. So, get out there and finally start your freelancing career today!

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Louis Tully

Louis Tully is a full-time finance writer offering financial expertise to everyday consumers. He understands the core values of finance and used his writing talents to share his own experiences with money to his readers. His articles teach how financial failures can easily become successes by making new habits and creating realistic goals.