working on finances with high debt

How To Manage Your Finances When You Have High Existing Debt

When trying to figure out how to handle existing debt and manage your finances you might feel like you could use some help. You’re not alone!

The good thing is there are plenty of debt managing strategies that can help with managing high debt and navigating your finances to lower existing debt. In this article, we will discuss some financial tips for high debt, so you can find the starting point you need to begin fixing your finances today.

Effective Strategies For Managing High Debt

Learning how to manage your finances is challenging on its own, but it’s even more so when you have high debt at the same time. Don’t worry, though, as it’s possible to fix your finances when you have debt management strategies that can help. There are plenty that you can start working on as soon as today.

Here are 5 financial tips for high debt that you can do to start managing your finances.

1. Track Everything You Spend When Managing Debt

The first rule to managing personal finances, regardless of your debt levels, is to track everything. That means you must know about every dollar that comes in and goes out, your debt balances, and all the interest rates involved. You can only manage your finances effectively once you understand it. Remember, you don’t need to be too sophisticated when tracking your finances. Something as simple as a pen and paper will do, though many people also use spreadsheets to help you out.

woman looking at managing finances

2. Consider Debt Consolidation Options

Most people typically have more than one source of debt to manage. That could include things like loans, various credit cards, and even a mortgage. Having too many sources of debt to deal with can make it more difficult to manage your finances. So, the next thing you should do is consolidate your debts. A common option people use is consolidating multiple credit cards into one. That means they only have to worry about paying one credit card balance at the end of the month.

3. Be Honest About Your Money

As you start monitoring every dollar and consolidate your debts, you’ll likely discover some unpleasant things about your finances. That’s why another key component of learning how to manage your finances is to be honest with yourself. Unfortunately, ignoring unpleasant details about your finances can be tempting. But doing that will just delay the problems until they become too large to deal with. Instead, take some time to accept the bad and begin financial planning with debt. Once you do, you can improve your finances with a clear mind.

4. Prioritize Your Debt

Improving your finances means reducing the amount of interest debt you carry. As you read earlier, managing too many debts simultaneously can be challenging, especially if you are carrying high debt such as a student loan. That’s why you must also prioritize them to focus your resources and pay off your debts one at a time. There are several ways you can prioritize your debts. For example, you can use the Debt Snowball method and prioritize paying off your smallest debt balance first. That will help you accomplish quick wins and encourage you to keep going, all while improving credit score with debt.

Alternatively, when managing debt, you can use the Debt Avalanche method to prioritize the highest or higher balances first. That means you’ll get rid of the biggest ones first before attacking the smaller debt balances. Whichever method you use, remember to stay current on all your other personal debts by paying the minimum amounts before they’re due.

woman working on her finances

5. Limit New Loans 

Lastly, one of the most important things to remember when learning how to manage your finances when you have high existing debt is to limit your usage of loans. Unfortunately, a lot of people get caught in the cycle of paying down their debts only to add to them later. That’s why you must be strict about only taking on new loans when necessary and knowing which loans to use for your needs.

For example, coming to Wisconsin Auto Title Loans, Inc. for a title loan, if you have medical bills, can be a big help. Title loans are a way to borrow money by using your lien-free car title as collateral. The application process can take as little as 30 minutes, and your credit report will not determine your eligibility, making it a good option for people with low credit scores who experience financial emergencies. If you want more information about this loan option, take some time to fill out the online form on our website and a loan customer service representative will call you back with details about approval, interest and repayment, and the terms for this type of emergency loan.

Get Started On Managing High Debt Now!

When you need debt management strategies to learn how to handle existing debt – especially when you have high debts – there are plenty of ways to get started. The good thing is you can pick one of these five tips or try them all at once!

Regardless of which you've considered or chosen, you will find that you can manage your finances and start lowering your high debt! And if you run into an emergency and need a quick cash loan, remember that you can get the support and help you need with a title loan at Wisconsin Auto Title Loans, Inc. with just a few simple requirements! Fill out the online form on our website now to learn more!


Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Daniel Dewitt

Daniel Dewitt is a lifetime blogger with a finely-honed ability to break down, analyze, and interpret economic trends for the layman. He's fiercely invested in spreading financial literacy and helping everyday people gain the tools they need for their own economic success.